NJICL Letters from Camp – Tuesday Evening Edition

Greetings NJ@KT Family,
Happy Tuesday night from the Northeast Kingdom. It’s been a spectacular day of riding and fun! Campers are all secure in their dorms, and our hunch is that the day’s trail rides, clinics and activities have made for some tired campers. They certainly earned the down time!
The view from our coaches meeting tonight
The morning’s clinics with Cognition Coaching were tremendously well received by both campers and coaches alike. Coach Ben has an amazing ability to gauge the skill level of a group of riders and then quickly process the information and craft a clinic tailored to their needs. He ran four full ride groups through the skills clinics today. Special thanks to Coach Pat from the PA League for working with the groups before they got to the Cognition clinic. Each camper had opportunities to work with these fine coaches for ~4 hours!
Coach Ben!
Some of the campers gathering at the skills area
The shuttle vans were working nonstop today delivering lunches, refilling water, shuttling ride groups to the top of different sections of the network, etc. It is a huge value to our campers, and we love supporting them to maximize the fun factor, especially with some of the flood related closures we are seeing.
After riding many groups cooled off by the river and the ice cream shop, with some of them again committing to riding up the hill back to camp. Once back at BMA, they spent an hour on bicycle and self care. Showers for the bike and the rider are important preps for tomorrow!
Trailside lunch
Dinner tonight was Taco Tuesday with Chef Nate. Wraps or hard shells, rice & beans, beef, sauteed peppers and onions, and some excellent quinoa doctored up to mesh well with Taco Tuesday. The standard fruit and salad fare augmented the main meal. Amazing!
Woods Dorm Campers were on cleanup duty tonight. Great work!
After dinner, campers headed to gametime on the deck and in the fields with the Minister of Fun. The skills game in the bike olympics for the evening was bunny hops. Kudos to the middle schoolers for helping to run the competition! During the evening olympics campers also participated in free time activities like volleyball, cornhole, crafting (bracelets tonight), dodgeball, charades or simply chilling on the lawn with friends taking in the sunset.
Bike wash!
For coaches, this block of the schedule is for our evening meeting, where we debrief the day, strategize for tomorrow and identify any needs for change. We have an amazing roaster of coaches and this is always a super inspiring conversation!
In seemingly a blink of the eye tonight, it was”lights out” in the dorms and the camp staff was gathered at camp HQ, where these letters are drafted. What a day, and we wouldn’t change a thing!
We have an Instagram account for camp that is managed primarily by campers, please give them a follow: https://www.instagram.com/njmtb_vermont23/
Coaches and staff will be adding photos to a shared folder though the week, it is located here. (There are a lot of photos and videos making their way to this folder!)
Thank you for reading, and we look forward to catching up with you tomorrow!