NJICL Letters from Camp – Monday Evening Edition

Good Evening from NJ@KT Headquarters,
It’s been an amazing day here at Burke Mountain Academy. Since we last spoke, ride groups ventured out into the trail system for an afternoon of riding after bike olympics and some craft by choice (this is surely a thing, no?) designing of their name plates for the rides. For some campers, this was their first trail ride outside of New Jersey. How wonderful is that?!
The region has experienced historic rainfall and flooding, so several trails remain closed until they are repaired and/or dried out. Whether students were new to the KTA, returning campers or regular visitors, they respected the closures and had a great day riding with friends. They are living the Ride With Gratitude ethos and doing it with a smile. Not so much lemonade from lemons, but they are certainly focused on the positive and making a great impression on staff and coaches. The scene at the ice cream shop was electric when ride groups ended there. Some chose to challenge themselves to ride back up the hill to dinner, and some welcomed the shuttle back to camp. Challenge by choice!
Team Jersey Day!
Dinner tonight was the handy work of Chef Nate; grilled pork loins and herb roasted potatoes, petit green beans, a massive salad, mixed fruits and some pretty delicious vegan patties. We’re keeping close eyes on campers for caloric intake and hydration, as the days will now see more riding and exertion.
The evening coaching meeting reviews the day’s activities and rides. Questions and topics focus on the camper experience. What was your highlight moment today? How are your groups meshing, and are they in appropriate groups for their skill level, fitness and age? How are YOU managing your time and responsibilities here? This meeting is one of the most important items on our schedule each day.
Speaking of riding, we’re looking forward to beginning the skills clinics tomorrow morning, and they will run for two days. All campers will have the opportunity to learn in a safe and encouraging environment from some of the best coaches in the business.
I hope that everyone is following our campers on Instagram and checking out the shared folder of photos:
We have an Instagram account for camp that is managed primarily by campers, please give them a follow: https://www.instagram.com/njmtb_vermont23/
Coaches and staff will be adding photos to a shared folder though the week, it is located here. (There are a lot of photos and videos making their way to this folder!)
A few small storms rolled through after our rides tonight and left us with a great view of the gap
Wishing you all a great evening. All dorms are “lights out” and we can’t wait to welcome another beautiful day in the NEK!